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Gummy Smile? Laser Contouring Can Help!

March 7, 2016

laser gum contouringIf your gums are hiding too much of your beautiful teeth, you’re suffering from what we call a gummy smile — and it’s likely something you’re interested in fixing. Your dentist in Juno Beach has good news for anyone who’s unhappy with the appearance of their gums: laser gum contouring can help! It’s a safe, effective treatment that allows Dr. Keuning or Dr. Riley to reshape your gums for a more pleasing look overall. Keep reading to learn more about this procedure, including how it works and whether or not you may be a good candidate, today!


Amazing Smile Makeovers from Your Cosmetic Dentist Palm Beach Gardens

November 1, 2015

woman with a beautiful smile thanks to the cosmetic dentist palm beach gardens residents rely onDon’t accept a smile you’re not proud to share. Cosmetic dentistry services from Juno Beach Smiles allow patients to smile with confidence, and enjoy flawless teeth they’ve only dreamed of. In addition to improving your image and self-confidence, enhancing the appearance of your smile can even improve oral health improving chewing ability and allowing for more thorough oral hygiene. If you find yourself covering your mouth when you speak, laugh, or smile, avoiding photos, and frowning in the pictures you do take, contact your Palm Beach Gardens dentist today.

Find Out More About Laser Gum Contouring in Juno Beach

October 21, 2015

smiling with laser gum contouring

No matter how beautiful your teeth are, they can’t truly look their best unless they’re surrounded by well-proportioned, healthy gums. Many of our patients come to our office complaining of a “gummy smile,” wondering if something can be done to finally show off the radiant teeth they know are hiding inside. For problems like these, Dr. Riley and Dr. Keuning are proud to offer laser gum contouring in Juno Beach. Keep reading to learn more today!

Jupiter dentists, Greg K. Riley DMD PA and Duane E. Keuning DMD PA, craft smiles that sparkle with health

September 11, 2015

woman smiling with beautiful teeth from the Jupiter dentistsWhat could be better than a healthy smile? Most people would say “A healthy and beautiful smile.”

Doctors Greg K. Riley and Duane E. Keuning, Jupiter dentists at Juno Beach Smiles, would agree with you. So, they have developed their dental practice to craft comprehensive Jupiter smile makeovers for great oral health and good looks, too.

Protect Your Good Oral Health with Gum Disease Therapy in Juno Beach, FL

March 16, 2015

466282655Statistics show that most Americans will suffer from some form of gum disease in their adult life. Gum disease is a pathological inflammatory condition of the gum and bone that support and surround your teeth. Since the disease can often progress without symptoms, it’s extremely important to maintain regular dental checkup and cleaning appointments to screen for gum related problems. Don’t let gum disease wreak havoc on your good dental health. Schedule a gum disease therapy appointment with Juno Beach Smiles today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley are highly qualified general dentists, now proudly restoring smiles daily throughout: Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the surrounding communities.

How Does Gum Disease Develop?

  • Gingivitis: The first stage of gum disease is known as gingivitis. Gingivitis is characterized by redness, swelling and bleeding of the gums after brushing or flossing. Gingivitis is caused by the buildup of harmful bacteria and plaque around the gum line. Although gingivitis is a degenerative process, it can be reversed by more effective personal oral hygiene practices and regularly attended professional dental cleanings.
  • Periodontitis: When gingivitis is left untreated, it turns into periodontitis. This advancement can occur rather rapidly. With periodontitis, deep pockets or spaces form between the teeth and gums. This can cause chronic gum tissue destruction and the eventual loosening and loss of natural teeth.

Gum Disease Treatment in Juno Beach, FL

To treat gum disease, we will first attack the root cause of the problem, the plaque on your teeth and gums. We will clean in and around the affected areas, and disinfect the areas where harmful bacteria can accumulate. This deep-cleaning process is called root planning and scaling. We will also look for other causes of plaque, like loose fillings or worn out dental crowns. If your gum disease has advanced past the point of this treatment being effective we may recommend more advance techniques including laser gum recontouring or flap surgery.

Juno Beach Gum Disease Therapy Appointments

Don’t let gum disease jeopardize your healthy smile. Schedule a gum disease therapy appointment with Juno Beach Smiles today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley are experienced and compassionate general dentists, now delivering quality care daily throughout: Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the neighboring areas.

Laser Gum Contouring: A Beautiful New Smile is Closer than You Think

September 22, 2014

476106489Excess gum tissue can make your teeth appear short and stubby, resulting in a smile that looks disproportional and even childlike in its unevenness. Fortunately, there is a cosmetic solution that can correct an overly “gummy” smile without the use of surgical scalpels or sutures: laser gum contouring at Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL. Dr. Duane Keuning and Dr. Greg Riley offer an extensive menu of cosmetic dentistry services with your satisfaction in mind, and we look forward to helping you rediscover the confidence that comes with a gorgeous smile.

Teeth Too Short? Laser Gum Contouring

When a person’s teeth appear short or irregularly sized, the culprit is often an uneven gum line or too much gum tissue. The gum tissue extends too far down over the teeth, hiding a substantial portion of their surface area. The removal of this excess tissue reveals the sparkling enamel underneath, giving your smile the balance and symmetry it needs to look its best.

Because our doctors use a soft tissue laser to perform this procedure, healing begins immediately as the gum tissue is cauterized. This method results in shorter recovery times and improved patient comfort as compared to traditional surgical techniques. Laser gum contouring can also be used to even out the appearance of a receding gum line. Drs. Riley and Keuning may suggest a combination of cosmetic dentistry procedures to promote the most aesthetically pleasing results.

Schedule Your Free Cosmetic Dental Consultation

Have you often looked at your smile in the mirror or in photographs and wondered what it would look like without so much gum showing? Perhaps you’ve even grown to censor your natural smile over the years, adapting to a more closed grin that doesn’t show your teeth or gums. At Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry, our team wants to help. Contact our office in Juno Beach, FL today to schedule your visit with Dr. Riley or Dr. Keuning. We genuinely love seeing our patients’ gorgeous smiles, and we’ll always work with you to develop a cosmetic dentistry treatment that’s perfect for yours. Our state-of-the-art dental practice proudly serves patients from throughout Juno Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, North Palm Beach, Tequesta, and beyond.

Show Off Your Smile With Laser Gum Contouring

December 26, 2013

shutterstock_144914185Whenever you are proud of your smile, you want to show it off as often as possible. When something gets in the way of you flaunting your smile, it can really affect how you interact with others and yourself. Believe it or not, your gums are capable of affecting your smile in a negative way. If you suffer from a “gummy” smile, laser gum contouring at Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic could be just the thing for you!

If you see more gum than teeth when you smile, laser gum contouring would be ideal! The first step is having a consultation with our very experienced Drs. Keuning or Riley, and they will be able to get a better look at your smile and speak with you about the procedure. Laser gum contouring involves the use of a soft tissue laser, providing precision to your procedure, while also giving the doctor a huge amount of control.

If you have receding gums, laser gum contouring is an excellent option as well. The procedure will even out your gum line if they lost its natural shape. We can also to gum grafting, replacing the missing tissue with healthy tissue.

For whatever reason you choose to have the laser gum contouring procedure, our wonderful doctors and helpful staff will be there with you every step of the way, answering any questions or concerns you may have.

Do you have questions about laser gum contouring and how it can improve your smile? Call Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic for an appointment. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley offer exception cosmetic and restorative care to patients from Palm Beach GardensJupiterNorth Palm Beach, or Tequesta.

A Shapelier Smile with Laser Gum Contouring

May 13, 2013

Laser gum contouringIf someone asked you to describe your smile, what words would come to mind first? Would you call it beautiful and shapely, or would you be more inclined to think of it as gummy or stubby? At Juno Beach Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry, we can help. Using a service called laser gum contouring, Dr. Duane Keuning and Dr. Greg Riley can help you unveil the rest of your smile and enjoy a newfound sense of confidence.

What Is Laser Gum Contouring?

Laser gum contouring uses a soft tissue laser to help you reduce the size of your gums. With careful precision, Dr. Keuning or Dr. Riley will trim back your gum line, resulting in a shapelier, fuller smile. This great service is even versatile enough to help patients who want to reduce the appearance of receding gums. That’s because soft tissue lasers give doctors like Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley enormous control over the final results.

What’s more, treatment with laser gum contouring takes little time to complete. Prior to your appointment, we’ll talk about your options and what to expect during the procedure. Then, on the day of procedure, your doctor will mark your gums, make sure that you’re completely comfortable, and then begin. Because of how soft tissue lasers work, you can look forward to a quick visit and a quick recovery.

Find out more about laser gum contouring by calling our Juno Beach dental office. Our team would be happy to help you set up an appointment with Dr. Keuning or Dr. Riley. We serve patients from North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, Tequesta, and beyond.

Smile Makeovers

November 27, 2012

Is your smile not quite what you’d like? The team here at Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry is ready to help! We can create a smile makeover plan to get you smiling proudly again!

There are a variety of options available for your smile makeover! Porcelain veneers and teeth whitening deal with the physical appearance of your teeth. Porcelain veneers can help hide cracks, chips, discolorations and minor gaps in your teeth, among things, while teeth whitening will leave your teeth a bright, shining white.

Laser gum contouring is a great option if you think your smile is too “gummy.” Our doctors will carefully and precisely use a laser to reduce the size of your gums and help enhance your smile.

If your teeth are crooked, Invisalign is a great choice! These clear braces work by using a series of clear aligners, to gradually straighten your teeth. What’s more, you’ll have the freedom to remove your aligners for important events and without the irritation of metal in your mouth.

If you’re interested in a smile makeover, Dr. Greg Riley and Dr. Duane Keuning of Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry would be happy to tell you more. Call our Juno Beach dental office today to schedule your appointment. We serve patients from North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, Jupiter, and beyond.

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