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Are You Looking for a Dentist in North Palm Beach?

December 14, 2015

dentist north palm beachCommitment can be hard — especially when it comes to something as important as deciding who will care for your smile. But choosing a dentist who you’ll visit again and again is one big way to improve your oral health, ensuring you’ll enjoy your strong, beautiful teeth for a lifetime. If you’ve looked but still haven’t found a dentist in North Palm Beach to call your own, now is an excellent time to learn about the services Juno Beach Smiles offers — because this holiday season, we’re accepting new patients like you!


Dental Crowns North Palm Beach Residents Prefer

August 14, 2015

Woman relaxes as she receives the dental crowns north palm beach residents trustImagine taking a bite of your favorite crunchy or chewy food. Everything seems fine, but then, a sharp pain shoots through your mouth. You find yourself chewing on a piece of your own tooth. Dental cracking and breaking occurs relatively frequently, and you’d be surprised how many patients choose not to restore these problems right away. However, over time these cracked and broken teeth become susceptible to tooth decay and root canal infections as bacteria is able to directly affect the inner layers of your tooth. In the past, restoring a broken tooth was considered too timely and ineffective, so patients would often have the tooth pulled. At Juno Beach Smiles, we practice conservative dentistry which means we always attempt to preserve natural tooth structure, but we are also a cosmetic dentist which means we want your smile to look as good as it feels after restoration. That’s why for severely cracked and broken teeth or teeth that have undergone root canal therapy, we recommend porcelain or metal supported porcelain dental crowns. If you have a tooth in need of repair, call Juno Beach Smiles to find out more about how dental crowns can give you back your beautiful smile.

Strong, Permanent Dental Implants in Jupiter, FL

April 27, 2015

Did you have the unfortunate luck of losing a tooth? If you answered “yes,” then you are not alone. Thousands of Americans lose teeth every single year due to a number of factors, including tooth decay, facial trauma, and oral injuries. The loss of a tooth can be a frustrating and painful experience, and it can make the individual became self-conscious about image. Tooth loss can also lead to potential long-term issues if not addressed as soon as possible. Juno Beach Smiles, located near Jupiter, FL, offers a permanent solution to this situation in the form of dental implants.

Reliable, Professional Care

166637352The loss of a tooth is not only painful; it can lead to future oral problems. Your jawbone requires stimulation from all of your teeth, which it receives from the contacts your teeth create throughout the day (chewing, touching each other, etc.). Without stimulation, the jaw begins to deteriorate, losing mass, height, and width. This is why our talented doctors, professionals with years of experience, and our expert team of practitioners offer dental implants. These implants permanently replace your missing tooth and restore function and form to your mouth.

Restore Function to Your Mouth

When you arrive at our state-of-the-art offices, we will examine your mouth and take impressions of your problem area. Afterward, we will plan your treatment, making sure you receive the best possible care. We will surgically insert a biocompatible titanium post in your jaw. You will undergo a healing period, as your jaw naturally grows over and accepts the post and your gums heal. When your healing is complete, we will have you return to our office. We will bond a strong tooth replacement to the post, cementing it within the mouth. Then, after the bonding is complete, you can walk out of our building with a complete, luminous smile.

Get the Treatment You Deserve

Don’t suffer from the loss of a tooth any longer. Contact our office today and schedule a consultation with our phenomenal team. Our office happily accepts those who live in Jupiter, FL, Juno Beach, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, and the surrounding communities.

Regain Your Complete Smile with Quality Crown and Bridgework in Juno Beach, FL

March 24, 2015

78770914Do you have an incomplete smile? If you suffer from tooth loss and are seeking a way to restore your full smile, you should consider the high quality crown and bridgework offered at Juno Beach Smiles. Crowns and bridges are fixed prosthetic devices which won’t shift or move like dentures. Crowns and bridges can work on their own or can be cemented onto dental implants to permanently replace missing teeth. If you’re tired of dealing with tooth loss and ill fitting partial dentures, schedule a crown and bridgework consultation appointment with Juno Beach Smiles today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley are experienced restorative dentists, now proudly delivering quality care daily throughout: Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the surrounding communities.

What Is a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are simply tooth shaped dental caps which can be placed over a vulnerable tooth to fully restore its natural shape, size, strength, and appearance. Dental crowns, when cemented firmly in place, fully encase the visible portion of a tooth above the gum line. They can also serve to fill in the missing space left by a tooth that has been completely lost.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

Dental bridges work in conjunction with dental crowns to replace one or more missing teeth. They span the space where your natural teeth are missing. Dental bridges can be cemented to either the surrounding teeth or a dental implant. Porcelain and ceramic bridges can be matched to the color of your natural teeth.

Juno Beach Crown and Bridgework Appointments

Missing teeth can often cause surrounding teeth to shift, which can lead to bite misalignment as well as jaw soreness. Shifting teeth can also create new places for dental plaque to hide, increasing your chances of developing tooth decay and gum disease. Don’t let a tooth loss problem turn into a larger oral health problem. Schedule the crown and bridgework appointment you need with Juno Beach Smiles today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley trusted restorative dentists, now proudly renewing smiles daily throughout: Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the neighboring areas.

Completely Renovate Your Smile with Full Mouth Reconstruction from the Restorative Dentistry Specialists of Juno Beach Smiles

February 24, 2015

86498497Do you have too many dental concerns to count? Even the most neglected teeth and gums can be repaired and renewed with restorative dentistry treatment. Full mouth reconstruction is a restorative dentistry process for the rebuilding and restoring of the entire oral cavity, including your gums and all teeth in both the upper and lower jaws. Full mouth reconstruction can involve multiple procedures including dental crowns, bridges, and porcelain veneers, gum recontouring, root canal therapy, and orthodontics. Whatever the current condition of your teeth gums, there is a combination of restorative dentistry treatments that will help. Make an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles for your full mouth reconstruction consultation today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley are experienced restorative dentists, proudly serving patients daily throughout: Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the surrounding Florida communities.

What Does Full Mouth Reconstruction Involve?

Full mouth construction can consists of any combination of restorative dental procedures including:

  • Teeth whitening, tooth colored fillings, crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, or porcelain veneers
  • Dental implant placement and restoration
  • Bone or soft tissue grafting
  • Periodontal therapy
  • Root canal therapy
  • Crown lengthening
  • Gum recontouring
  • Orthodontics
  • Jaw repositioning

Do You Need Full Mouth Reconstruction?

If you are suffering from any of the following dental problems, you should make an immediate full mouth reconstruction consultation appointment:

  • Tooth loss due to decay or trauma
  • Fractured teeth
  • Worn down or discolored teeth from long-term acid erosion or tooth grinding (bruxism)
  • Chronic bite issues resulting in jaw pain, headaches, or earaches
  • Painful, sensitive teeth and bleeding gums

Juno Beach Full Mouth Reconstruction Consultations

If you believe you need a full mouth reconstruction, you can schedule a comprehensive examination with Juno Beach Smiles today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley will examine your mouth to determine the extent of your dental problems and the best course of treatment to correct them. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley are highly qualified restorative dentists, proudly delivering quality care daily throughout: Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and nearby cities.

Quick Dental Fixes with High Quality Dental Inlays and Onlays from Juno Beach Smiles

February 16, 2015

98198423Do you have a “partially” damaged or decayed tooth? If you have a tooth that is too damaged to support a tooth filling, but not damaged enough to require a dental crown, you may be a good candidate for a dental inlay or onlay restoration. Capping a damaged tooth with a dental crown may unnecessarily remove more tooth structure than is actually needed. On the other hand, a dental filling that’s too large can significantly weaken the remaining healthy structure of a damaged tooth, causing additional fracturing or leading to the need for a root canal. Dental inlays and onlays solve this problem. They fall somewhere in between dental filling and dental crown restorations. Dental inlays and onlays can fully restore large cavities and are a less invasive and more affordable way to renew the form and function of a damaged tooth. If you think you might need a dental inlay or onlay, make an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles for your restorative dental care consultation today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley are trusted restorative dentists, delivering quality care daily throughout: Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the surrounding Florida communities.

How Are Dental Inlays and Onlays Different?

Dental inlays and onlays are actually the same restoration, but they are used to restore different proportions of a tooth. A dental inlay fills the space in between the cusps, or rounded edges, at the center of a tooth’s surface. A dental onlay works like an inlay but covers one or more cusps or the entire biting surface of a tooth. Because of their more extensive coverage, dental onlays are sometimes referred to as partial crowns. They are more durable and last longer than dental fillings, and are typically made of composite resin or porcelain. With proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits, your dental inlay or onlay can last a lifetime.

Do You Need Restorative Dental Care?

Whether you think you need a dental filling, dental inlay, onlay, or dental crown, doesn’t matter. All that really matters is that you get the restorative dental treatment you need. Ignoring your dental problems can jeopardize your dental and overall health, regardless of which type of restoration you end up getting.

Juno Beach Restorative Dentistry Appointments

Make your restorative dentistry appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley are restorative dentistry specialists, now proudly renewing smiles daily throughout: Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and nearby areas.

What Are the Benefits of Root Canal Therapy from Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley in Juno Beach, FL?

January 16, 2015

450745673Do you have a tooth that aches periodically and is sensitive to heat and cold? If you do, you most likely have a serious tooth infection that requires immediate attention. Even if you’re not in constant pain, periodic tooth discomfort is a serious issue. It can indicate that your tooth is in danger of falling out or needing to be extracted. The only way to save an infected tooth is with comprehensive root canal therapy. Root canal therapy has a reputation for being a painful procedure, however the opposite is true. Root canal therapy can be painlessly completed and will actually stop any current pain or discomfort and save you from the burden of natural tooth replacement. Eliminate tooth pain and preserve your natural smile by making an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles for the root canal therapy you need today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley are highly qualified restorative dentists. Juno Beach Smiles delivers quality restorative care daily throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the surrounding communities.

Is Root Canal Therapy Painful?

No. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley will make sure that all pain is blocked and you are completely relaxed for the entire treatment process. First, we will x-ray your infected tooth and administer a local anesthetic to numb the area. After your tooth is numb, we will place a small protective dental dam over the area to isolate the tooth for the procedure. Next, we will make a small opening in the top of the tooth. Dr. Keuning will clean out the infected pulp from the inner pulp chamber and root canals and then shape the space for filling. After the canals are cleaned and shaped, Dr. Keuning will fill them with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha. Finally, your tooth will be sealed and covered with a dental crown or other restoration to protect and restore it to full form and function.

Is Root Canal Therapy Worth It?

Absolutely. Root canal therapy is necessary whenever a tooth becomes inflamed or infected. The infection can stem from a variety of causes, including: dental injury, decay, repeated dental procedures on the same tooth, a fractured tooth, or advanced gum disease. If the resulting infection is left untreated, it can cause intense pain, dental abscess, and eventually the loss of your natural tooth. While there are many effective tooth replacement solutions available, there is no method that is better for your long term health than preserving your natural teeth.

Juno Beach Root Canal Therapy Appointments

Make your root canal therapy appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley will gently and efficiently restore your healthy smile. Juno Beach Smiles is trusted by patients throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and neighboring areas.

Preserve Your Good Health by Replacing Old Metal Fillings with New Tooth Colored Fillings in Juno Beach, FL

December 24, 2014

stk103113corAre you walking around with a mouthful of metal? If you are one of the millions of patients with multiple metal (amalgam) dental fillings, you could be putting your dental and overall health at risk. While metal fillings were once the only choice for dental fillings, new tooth colored fillings are fast becoming the more popular restoration method. That’s because tooth colored fillings are more naturally looking and are better able to protect your long term health. For the modern dental restorations you deserve, make an appointment to replace your old metal fillings with new tooth colored fillings from Juno Beach Smiles today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley can help you protect your long-term health and wellbeing. Juno Beach Smiles is the trusted restorative dentistry for patients throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the surrounding communities.

How Are Tooth Colored Fillings Made?

Tooth colored fillings are made from a composite of tooth-colored plastic and glass.

Why Replace Old Metal (Amalgam) Fillings with New Tooth Colored Fillings?

  • Health Dangers: Metal fillings are made of about 50% mercury. Mercury is a dangerous neuro-toxin. Symptoms associated with prolonged mercury exposure include: memory loss, auto immune disorders, fatigue, tremors, and cognitive impairment.
  • Cracking and Sensitivity: Aged metal fillings can crack and partly detach causing sensitivity or pain where cracks are deep. Cracking close to tooth nerves can be particularly discomforting.
  • Bite Force: With tooth colored fillings, your bite force when chewing is distributed more evenly across the tooth structure, which reduces the likelihood of tooth cracking.
  • Preventive Care: Tooth colored fillings allow Dr. Keuning to see underlying tooth decay more readily because of visible staining around the edges of the filling. With metal fillings, tarnish and corrosion make it much more difficult to identify new decay.

Juno Beach Tooth Colored Fillings Appointments

Protect your teeth and your overall health. Take action and make your tooth colored fillings appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley today. Juno Beach Smiles cares about your overall wellbeing. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley deliver high quality patient centered care daily throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the nearby areas.


Improve Your Quality of Life with New Dental Implants in Juno Beach, FL

76764475Are missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures interfering with your daily life? Untreated tooth loss and worn out dentures can inhibit your ability to speak clearly, enjoy your favorite foods, or express your happiness with a smile. But you don’t have to live with these limitations. You can fully replace and restore the full functioning of your missing teeth with new dental implants from Juno Beach Smiles. Dental implants are made of tiny biocompatible titanium posts that can be naturally fused with your jaw bone for a permanent tooth replacement solution. Make your dental implants consultation appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley are experienced dental implants providers. Juno Beach Smiles proudly serves patients daily throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the surrounding communities.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are actually artificial tooth roots used to anchor a replacement tooth, such as a dental crown or denture.

Four Easy Steps to Successful Dental Implants Placement

  • Step 1: First, Keuning or Dr. Riley will gently place the implant into your jaw.
  • Step 2: A healing period of about three months is needed for the implant to fully fuse with your jawbone. In the meantime, a temporary crown or denture will cover the implant.
  • Step 3: Next, Keuning or Dr. Riley will place an abutment, from which your new restoration will be attached to the dental implant. Sometimes this step can be skipped if your implant already has the extension piece attached.
  • Step 4: Finally, a replacement tooth (crown or denture) will be attached to your dental implant for natural-looking tooth replacement. Up to four dental implants can be used to support an entire upper or lower denture.

What Advantages Do Dental Implants Offer?

Dental implants offer several advantages over other tooth replacement options including:

  • Implants are indistinguishable from natural teeth
  • Implants are placed without sacrificing the health of surrounding teeth
  • Implants better preserve healthy bone, whereas dental bridges and dentures allow the bone to deteriorate, causing premature aging
  • Implants can be cared for just like natural teeth, eliminating the need for extra daily maintenance
  • Implants won’t decay, and can last a lifetime with proper care

Juno Beach Dental Implants Appointments

The ideal candidate for dental implants is in good oral health, and has a sufficient amount of bone in the jaw to support the implant. Only Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley can determine if dental implants restorations will work for you. Make an appointment with the highly qualified dental implants experts of Juno Beach Smiles today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley are trusted dental implants restorative dentists. Juno Beach Smiles is the leading dental implants destination for patients throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the nearby areas.

What are Amalgam Fillings and What Should I Know About Them?

June 10, 2014

Shutterstock Happy Male Patient with StaffDental fillings are among the most commonly performed restorative dentistry procedure in America, allowing patients with tooth decay to prevent further damage to their smiles in a way that simultaneously preserves the natural tooth. At Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL, Dr. Greg K. Riley and Dr. Duane E. Keuning provide patients with not only the most advanced restorative dentistry options available, but also with advice, information, and insight regarding the treatments we plan for each of our patients.

Amalgam Fillings Vs. Composite Fillings

Amalgam fillings are composed of a mixture of metals, including silver, mercury, tin, and copper. The alloy is placed within the prepared cavity of a decayed tooth to prevent further decay. Because of its composition, an amalgam filling is susceptible to microscopic changes in size and shape when exposed to extreme hot or cold. This may result in tiny fissures in the tooth over time, thereby compromising the structural stability of the tooth as a whole.

Composite fillings, also known as tooth-colored fillings, are made of a composite resin that closely matches the shade of the tooth it fills. The majority of dentists agree that composite fillings are the preferred restorative option. In addition to the fact that they are more aesthetically agreeable, composite fillings stand up to changes in temperature better than amalgams. As with any of our procedures and treatments, our doctors are happy to explain the entire process before your fillings are placed, as well as the pros and cons of each type. We’re here to help you understand your dental care and to assist in your journey toward optimal oral health.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Whether you currently have amalgam fillings and are interested in having them replaced with more aesthetically pleasing composite fillings or you are in need of a new restoration, we invite you to contact us today to schedule your appointment. Our doctors and staff will always welcome you with a warm, sincere smile and the ultimate in gentle chairside manner. Our conveniently located dental practice in Juno Beach, FL also happily serves patients in the surrounding areas, including North Palm Beach, Jupiter, Tequesta, Palm Beach Gardens, and more.

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