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Juno Beach Smiles Blog

Smile-Friendly Foods to Enjoy This Summer

July 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg Riley @ 3:42 pm
A little girl biting into a slice of watermelon.

Summer barbecue season is already in full swing, and that means it’s time to enjoy all the tasty food that this time of year is so famous for. But watch out! Indulging in too many sweet and sticky treats can be bad for your teeth.  If you’ll be gathering around the grill this summer, don’t put your oral health at risk. Try these delicious foods that will leave you feeling satisfied without wreaking havoc on your smile!


How Can I Fight Gum Disease with Food?

June 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg Riley @ 9:37 pm

Since it afflicts more than half of Americans, gum disease is an unfortunately common problem. Thankfully, it can be reversed in its early stages with the proper care and lifestyle changes. Preventing and combatting gum disease involves three things: proper oral hygiene, seeing your dentist, and eating the right diet. Here’s a brief overview of a few of the foods that can help prevent or address gum disease.


You Gotta Fight for Your Bite: How to Take Care of Dentures

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg Riley @ 9:15 pm

Dentures have significantly improved over the decades, and modern models are so comfortable and lifelike that wearers and casual observers often don’t notice that they’re there. These appliances are designed to be long-term investments that can last up to ten years with the proper care. Here’s a brief overview of what makes an excellent denture care regimen so you can keep your appliance in great shape for years to come.


Can I Get Dentures If I’ve Been Without Teeth for a While?

April 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg Riley @ 2:31 pm
patient receiving dentures from dentist

Are you dealing with long-term tooth loss and thinking about getting dentures to replace your missing teeth? If you are, you’re probably curious to know if they’re the right choice for you. Dentures have been used for a long time to help people who are missing teeth. They can improve how your teeth work and how they look. Keep reading to find out if dentures might be the right solution for you and your dental health.


Can Dental Implants Rust?

March 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg Riley @ 8:32 pm
Dental implant

While there are a variety of tooth replacement options available, dental implants are the best way to complete your smile because they look and work exactly like real teeth. Since they are surgically placed directly into the jawbone, they can keep it stimulated to prevent or reverse bone loss while restoring almost all of the patient’s original chewing power. Since dental implants are made from a blend of metals called titanium, some patients might wonder if they can rust after being placed. Here’s why this is extremely unlikely to happen.


How Long Can Cosmetic Dentistry Keep Your Smile Shining?

February 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg Riley @ 11:39 pm
Someone with a beautiful smile

Cosmetic dentistry has seen an incredible surge in popularity over the last few years. People are more interested than ever in looking their best, and the beautiful smile that cosmetic dentistry affords you will go a long way toward that objective.

However, if you’re going to invest in a cosmetic treatment, you might want to know more about how long you can expect the results to last. Naturally, this depends on what kind of treatment you get, as well as how thoroughly you take care of your teeth afterward. Here are examples of some of the most common cosmetic treatments, how long their results last, and what you can do to extend their lifespan.


Crystal Clean: Maximizing the Effectiveness of Invisalign Cleaning

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg Riley @ 3:18 pm
Invisalign kit with cleaning crystals

If you’ve embarked on your Invisalign orthodontics journey, congratulations! You’re on your way to a straighter, greater smile. The aligners offer a discreet and convenient way to straighten your teeth, but they won’t stay that way unless you keep them clean. But how are you supposed to do that?

Read on to learn the secrets of cleaning your Invisalign aligners with the included cleaning crystals.


To Do or Not To Do: What You Should Know About Taking Care of Your Dental Implants

December 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg Riley @ 8:01 pm
an older couple brushing their teeth

The moment you see your new smile in the dentist’s office, you’ll wonder why you didn’t choose dental implants sooner. As reliable and long-lasting prosthetics that are designed to replace missing teeth, their longevity and functionality make them far superior to other forms of tooth replacement, such as dental bridges and dentures. But when it comes to taking proper care of your new teeth, it’s important that you understand what to do and what not to do. Keep reading to find out.


A Thanksgiving Your Smile Will Be Thankful For!

November 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg Riley @ 7:15 am
Thanksgiving dinner

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Whether you are looking forward to cooking your favorite dishes or catching up with family, one thing is for certain: you’re going to enjoy a delicious meal! However, many holiday foods aren’t the best for your smile. The good news is that by making a few simple changes, you can enjoy your meal without having to worry about the state of your teeth. Here are some tips that can help keep your teeth in tip-top shape this Thanksgiving dinner.


Can Activated Charcoal Be Used to Whiten Teeth?

October 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg Riley @ 2:50 pm
woman using activated charcoal to clean her teeth

It’s no secret that as you age, tooth stains can become more apparent. Whether caused by genetics, poor oral hygiene, or the frequent consumption of dark-colored beverages like coffee and soda, your smile can become dull and lackluster over time. As a result, you may turn to the latest trends to try and recapture a more vibrant appearance. One of the most popular solutions promoted on social media is the use of activated charcoal to brighten smiles. But is it safe to use? Keep reading to discover why you should pursue teeth whitening from a skilled professional instead.

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