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Dental Care and Eating Disorders

October 22, 2014

507399027It’s estimated that more than 10 million Americans are currently suffering from some form of eating disorder. Your dietary habits and nutrition can have dramatic affects on your oral health. Studies have shown that people with eating disorders and severely restricted diets have oral health problems caused by their eating habits. Up to 89% of bulimic patients show signs of tooth erosion and decay due to repeated regurgitation. If you are suffering from nutritional deficiencies it’s important to seek dental care immediately. Make an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles. The dentists at Juno Beach Smiles want to partner with you to create your healthiest possible smile. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley proudly serve patients throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach and surrounding communities.

Eating Disorders and Dental Care Concerns

Those suffering from anorexia, bulimia or binge and compulsive eating disorders may first show signs of the disorder by declining oral health. Signs that you may have dental complications related to nutritional deficiencies can include, erosive lesions on the surface of the teeth, weakened and translucent teeth, sensitivity and spontaneous tooth pain, bad breath, mouth sores and gum disease. Compulsive regurgitation can also affect the color, length and shape of the teeth. Besides the acid erosion damage from regurgitation, eating disorders also cause deficiencies in the vitamins, minerals, proteins that contribute to healthy teeth and gums.

Dental Care for Eating Disorders in Juno Beach, FL

As with any other medical condition that affects your oral health, no cosmetic dental treatment should be undergone until you have started treatment to address the eating disorder. However, treatment to prevent further damage to the teeth and gums should be started immediately. Make an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles. The dentists at Juno Beach Smiles are committed to your overall well being and proudly serve patients throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach and surrounding cities.

Extracting Dental Care Myths

October 10, 2014

78188806Below are three of the most common dental care myths. If you’re clueless about your dental health, inform yourself and then make an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles. The dentists at Juno Beach Smiles want to partner with you to create your healthiest possible smile. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley proudly serve patients throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach and surrounding communities.
Top 3 Dental Care Myths:

  1. Sugar Causes Cavities– Cavities are actually caused by acid producing bacteria that feed off of excess sugars deposited in the mouth. Yet any carbohydrate can be used as fuel for these bacteria. The waste they produce after digesting carbohydrates is the acid that erodes your enamel and causes tooth decay. That means that chips and bread can be just as harmful as candy and soda. Xylitol, a sugar substitute found in sugar free candy and gum, has actually been found to reduce the chances of developing cavities.
  2. Your Chances Of Getting Cavities Decrease As You Get Older– The opposite is actually true. The older you get the more actively you need to protect your teeth from cavities. Fluoride in tap water has actually caused the incidence of childhood cavities to decrease in recent years. On the other hand, as we age, the side effects of certain medications and medical conditions like dry mouth can increase the likely hood of developing cavities.
  3. If You Don’t Feel Any Pain Then Your Teeth Are Healthy– Although you may feel no pain or discomfort, you could still have dental problems that require immediate attention. Your dentist can use new x-ray technology to detect cavities before they become acute enough to cause pain. As with any medical concern, the earlier the problem is found, the more treatment options are available.

Quality Dental Care in Juno Beach, FL

There are a lot of “urban myths” surrounding dental care. It’s important to dispel myths about proper dental care and dental treatments because mismanaging your dental care can be costly. Be proactive about your dental health and make an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles. The dentists at Juno Beach Smiles are committed to your overall well being and proudly serve patients throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach and surrounding cities.

Laser Gum Contouring: A Beautiful New Smile is Closer than You Think

September 22, 2014

476106489Excess gum tissue can make your teeth appear short and stubby, resulting in a smile that looks disproportional and even childlike in its unevenness. Fortunately, there is a cosmetic solution that can correct an overly “gummy” smile without the use of surgical scalpels or sutures: laser gum contouring at Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL. Dr. Duane Keuning and Dr. Greg Riley offer an extensive menu of cosmetic dentistry services with your satisfaction in mind, and we look forward to helping you rediscover the confidence that comes with a gorgeous smile.

Teeth Too Short? Laser Gum Contouring

When a person’s teeth appear short or irregularly sized, the culprit is often an uneven gum line or too much gum tissue. The gum tissue extends too far down over the teeth, hiding a substantial portion of their surface area. The removal of this excess tissue reveals the sparkling enamel underneath, giving your smile the balance and symmetry it needs to look its best.

Because our doctors use a soft tissue laser to perform this procedure, healing begins immediately as the gum tissue is cauterized. This method results in shorter recovery times and improved patient comfort as compared to traditional surgical techniques. Laser gum contouring can also be used to even out the appearance of a receding gum line. Drs. Riley and Keuning may suggest a combination of cosmetic dentistry procedures to promote the most aesthetically pleasing results.

Schedule Your Free Cosmetic Dental Consultation

Have you often looked at your smile in the mirror or in photographs and wondered what it would look like without so much gum showing? Perhaps you’ve even grown to censor your natural smile over the years, adapting to a more closed grin that doesn’t show your teeth or gums. At Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry, our team wants to help. Contact our office in Juno Beach, FL today to schedule your visit with Dr. Riley or Dr. Keuning. We genuinely love seeing our patients’ gorgeous smiles, and we’ll always work with you to develop a cosmetic dentistry treatment that’s perfect for yours. Our state-of-the-art dental practice proudly serves patients from throughout Juno Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, North Palm Beach, Tequesta, and beyond.

Understanding the Importance of Oral Cancer Screening in Juno Beach, FL

September 10, 2014

490822345According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, approximately 43,250 men and women in America will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year. Sadly, only slightly more than 50 percent of these people will survive past the five year mark following diagnosis. Research has indicated that patients whose cancer is diagnosed early have a considerably better prognosis, making oral cancer screening an integral component of preventive dentistry. At Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL, Dr. Duane E. Keuning and Dr. Greg K. Riley offer a comprehensive array of preventive dentistry services designed to preserve your oral health and your smile. One of these services is oral cancer screening.

Why Oral Cancer Screening Really Matters

Oral cancer screening involves the close inspection of all soft tissue surfaces within the mouth and the throat. Utilizing only the latest in diagnostic technology, our doctors are able to detect the presence of abnormal cells before any physical signs are present. Because cancerous and precancerous cell formations may be invisible to the naked eye, oral cancer screening is vital to early detection.

While there is no substitute for professional oral cancer screening, we do recommend that you pay close attention to any abnormalities that may exist in or around your mouth. Symptoms that are commonly associated with oral cancer include the following:

  • A thickening or hardening of the tissue anywhere in the mouth
  • Unusual sensations, including numbness and tingling
  • Unexplained bleeding
  • A sore or ulcer that does not heal or repeatedly recurs
  • White or red patches anywhere in the mouth

If you notice any of the above symptoms, please contact our office immediately to schedule an appointment with our doctors. While these symptoms do not necessarily mean that you do have oral cancer, they should be evaluated and treated as soon as possible.

Oral Cancer Screening Saves Lives

Because early detection is such a critical factor in the successful treatment of oral cancer, our team performs screening at each routine dentistry visit. These general dentistry appointments should ideally be scheduled every six months or more often if specified. Protecting yourself from the dangers of advanced oral cancer is as easy as calling our office and scheduling your visit today. Our conveniently located Juno Beach, FL dental practice warmly welcomes patients from throughout the surrounding areas as well, including Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and beyond.

Smoking & Oral Health: Vital Information from Your Juno Beach Dentist

August 27, 2014

466819689It’s no secret that smoking is detrimental to your health. Research has conclusively linked tobacco use to a variety of serious health conditions, including multiple forms of cancer and respiratory illnesses. While it’s also well-known that cigarettes cause bad breath and stained teeth, there are some oral health effects that aren’t as widely recognized.

At Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL, Dr. Greg K. Riley and Dr. Duane E. Keuning provide patients with a full range of general and preventive dentistry solutions, as well as valuable information about how to maintain optimal oral health. Today, we’d like to address some of the lesser known effects of smoking as they relate to oral health.

Smoking and Your Mouth: More than a Yellow Smile

Men and women who smoke are typically aware of the potential damage their habit can cause when it comes to overall health. Unfortunately, not as much attention is devoted to the mouth itself. Some of the most common oral health problems experienced by smokers include:

  • Substantially increased risk of developing periodontal disease
  • Gum recession
  • Deterioration of bone tissue in the jaw
  • Higher risk of oral cancer
  • Secondary infections following oral surgery, resulting in delayed recovery
  • Dental implants are less likely to be successful
  • Higher levels of harmful bacteria, plaque, and tartar

Of course, making the move to quit smoking is a very personal decision. Our primary goal is to provide our patients with the tools and information they need to achieve lasting oral health and overall wellness.

Defend Your Oral Health

Whether you are currently a smoker and are concerned about your oral health or you’ve quit smoking and are in need of a checkup, our team is here to help. Contact our office in Juno Beach, FL today to schedule your appointment with Drs. Riley and Keuning. We look forward to working with you on your path toward exceptional oral health and a beautiful smile. Our practice also proudly serves patients from throughout the surrounding areas of North Palm Beach, Tequesta, Palm Beach Gardens, and more.

Back to School Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions in Juno Beach, FL

August 5, 2014

479705143School is back in session, and students from all over the country are headed back to class for another busy semester. Make sure that you’re ready for the new school year with a gorgeous, healthy smile courtesy of Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL. Dr. Greg K. Riley and Dr. Duane E. Keuning provide patients from throughout the area with a variety of restorative and cosmetic dentistry solutions, allowing them to start off the school year with a smile they can feel confident showing off on campus.

Cosmetic Dentistry That Fits Your Life

If your smile is flawed by cracks, chips, deep stains, or alignment problems, you may feel less inclined to share it with the world. Fortunately, there is a way to correct these common problems without extensive dental work. Porcelain veneers can be applied to the front surfaces of your teeth, masking imperfections and creating the appearance of a radiant smile. These custom-crafted sheaths of fine dental porcelain even reflect light in the same way that your enamel does, so you’re left with a smile free of blemishes that still looks completely natural.

For some of our patients, stained and dull-colored teeth are the primary problem they face on a daily basis. If your teeth are dingy and discolored, you’re far less likely to reveal your smile to classmates, professors, and even your friends. Allow our team to help with professional teeth whitening. In less time than ever before, you can eliminate stains from deep within the enamel, promoting a brilliantly white smile that lasts.

If missing teeth are harming your smile and your lifestyle, we invite you to ask us about dental implants. These lifelike, sturdy replacement teeth are considered the preferred alternative to removable prosthetics like dentures and bridges. We’re always happy to work with you to formulate a customized treatment plan to fulfill your individual needs.

Your Most Beautiful Smile Yet

Whether you simply need the extra smile boost afforded by professional teeth whitening or you’d like to explore the possibilities of a service like porcelain veneers or dental implants, we’re here to help. Make this back to school season count with a wide array of customized cosmetic dentistry solutions, and discover the difference a beautiful new smile can make in your life. Contact our office in Juno Beach, FL today to schedule your visit. We look forward to helping you achieve a smile that will certainly turn heads for all of the right reasons! Our practice serves patients from throughout Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, Juno Beach, and beyond.

Porcelain Veneers and Your Smile: Revitalize Your Look with Cosmetic Dentistry

July 28, 2014

Shutterstock Pretty Woman SmileIf you often look in the mirror and feel self-conscious about your smile, you are definitely not alone. In fact, millions of American men and women feel at least some level of dissatisfaction with the appearance of their teeth, keeping them from smiling as openly and as often as they’d like. Fortunately, there is a cosmetic solution that can help without the need for lengthy procedures or extensive work: porcelain veneers. At Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL, Dr. Greg K. Riley and Dr. Duane E. Keuning provide patients with a variety of cosmetic dentistry solutions, including porcelain veneers.

How Can Porcelain Veneers Help Me?

Porcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic solution due to their versatility and ease of application. These ultra-durable, thin shells of dental porcelain are customized to fit in seamlessly with the rest of your smile, quickly and effectively masking a variety of cosmetic concerns. Porcelain veneers can be used to correct the following dental issues:

  • Deeply stained enamel
  • Discoloration caused by medications
  • Moderate crowding
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Cracks or chips
  • Teeth that are unevenly spaced
  • Teeth that appear too small or are otherwise misshapen

Find the Ideal Cosmetic Solution for Your Smile

If you find yourself feeling unhappy with the appearance of your smile for any reason and you’d like to learn more about the possibilities afforded by porcelain veneers, we invite you to contact our office today to schedule your visit with our team. Conveniently located in Juno Beach, FL, we also serve patients from nearby areas as well, including North Palm Beach, Tequesta, Palm Beach Gardens, and beyond. We look forward to helping you revitalize and enhance your smile with porcelain veneers and our other cosmetic dentistry services.

Do You Need Root Canal Therapy?

July 10, 2014

shutterstock_196648316A persistent toothache can certainly be a nuisance, negatively affecting your diet and your daily life in a number of ways. In addition to being quite a bother, a painful tooth could be an indicator of an underlying problem like an infection. At Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL, Dr. Greg K. Riley and Dr. Duane E. Keuning provide patients with a wide variety of general and restorative dental solutions, including root canal therapy when necessary.

How Do I Know if I Need a Root Canal?

While the only definitive way to determine an effective course of action is to visit our office for an exam, there are some signs commonly associated with an infection that warrants root canal treatment. Keep an eye out for the following symptoms:

  • Swelling, redness, or pain surrounding a tooth
  • Increased sensitivity to hot, cold, or pressure
  • An abscess in the gum tissue
  • Darkening of the enamel (usually gray)
  • Persistent headaches
  • Earache
  • Jaw pain

If you suspect that you may be suffering from a tooth infection, the first thing you should do is call our office to schedule your appointment. We will always do everything we can to ensure that you feel comfortable and relaxed during your visit, offering sedation as needed to help calm any anxiety you may feel. Fortunately, today’s advanced technology makes it possible to perform root canal therapy in a way that is more like a regular filling than anything else, so you don’t have to fear the pain so many associate with the procedure.

Schedule Your Visit Today

Persistent tooth pain may indicate a number of issues, but regardless of its cause it is considered a serious problem and should be evaluated as soon as possible. Contact our office in Juno Beach, FL today to schedule your appointment with our caring, experienced team. We look forward to helping you alleviate your dental pain and restoring your smile to full health. Our office proudly serves patients from throughout the surrounding areas as well, including Palm Beach Gardens, North Palm Beach, Tequesta, and more.

How Do Misaligned Teeth Affect Oral Health?

June 26, 2014

Shutterstock Man Big SmileWhile most people agree that misaligned teeth have a negative impact on a person’s appearance, not many realize that crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth can also negatively affect your oral health. At Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL, Dr. Greg K. Riley and Dr. Duane E. Keuning offer an all-encompassing variety of cosmetic dental procedures that help your smile look and feel its best, including Invisalign clear braces.

The Importance of Straightening Your Teeth

When teeth are crooked or crowded, they are much more difficult to clean thoroughly, putting the unlucky patient at an increased risk for developing tooth decay and periodontal disease. When there is not enough room for a tooth to grow correctly, it may even begin to rotate as it presses its way against surrounding teeth. Conversely, when teeth are spaced too far apart, they are more likely to shift and drift out of their proper positions, causing problems with chewing and speaking properly.

Fortunately, there is a way to correct orthodontic issues like these – as well as overbites, underbites, and crossbites – that doesn’t involve the use of bulky metal braces: Invisalign clear aligners effectively straighten the teeth over a period of about 12 to 18 months, all without metal brackets or wires.

The Invisalign system utilizes a series of customized plastic aligners that are designed specifically to fit your unique dentition. Each set of aligners is worn for approximately two weeks and then the patient moves on to the next set in the series. They’re comfortable, clear, and effective, and have helped to improve the lives of innumerable teens and adults. Contact us to day to see if they might work for you.

Straighter Teeth, Healthier Smile

Do you struggle with the complications of misaligned teeth? If you would like to learn more about how Invisalign clear braces can help you achieve the flawless straight, healthy teeth you’ve always wanted, contact our office in Juno Beach, FL today to schedule your visit. Our experienced, highly-trained doctors and friendly staff look forward to welcoming you into our office and treating you like family. Our state-of-the-art cosmetic and restorative dental practice happily welcomes patients from throughout the surrounding areas as well, including North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, Tequesta, and more.

What are Amalgam Fillings and What Should I Know About Them?

June 10, 2014

Shutterstock Happy Male Patient with StaffDental fillings are among the most commonly performed restorative dentistry procedure in America, allowing patients with tooth decay to prevent further damage to their smiles in a way that simultaneously preserves the natural tooth. At Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL, Dr. Greg K. Riley and Dr. Duane E. Keuning provide patients with not only the most advanced restorative dentistry options available, but also with advice, information, and insight regarding the treatments we plan for each of our patients.

Amalgam Fillings Vs. Composite Fillings

Amalgam fillings are composed of a mixture of metals, including silver, mercury, tin, and copper. The alloy is placed within the prepared cavity of a decayed tooth to prevent further decay. Because of its composition, an amalgam filling is susceptible to microscopic changes in size and shape when exposed to extreme hot or cold. This may result in tiny fissures in the tooth over time, thereby compromising the structural stability of the tooth as a whole.

Composite fillings, also known as tooth-colored fillings, are made of a composite resin that closely matches the shade of the tooth it fills. The majority of dentists agree that composite fillings are the preferred restorative option. In addition to the fact that they are more aesthetically agreeable, composite fillings stand up to changes in temperature better than amalgams. As with any of our procedures and treatments, our doctors are happy to explain the entire process before your fillings are placed, as well as the pros and cons of each type. We’re here to help you understand your dental care and to assist in your journey toward optimal oral health.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Whether you currently have amalgam fillings and are interested in having them replaced with more aesthetically pleasing composite fillings or you are in need of a new restoration, we invite you to contact us today to schedule your appointment. Our doctors and staff will always welcome you with a warm, sincere smile and the ultimate in gentle chairside manner. Our conveniently located dental practice in Juno Beach, FL also happily serves patients in the surrounding areas, including North Palm Beach, Jupiter, Tequesta, Palm Beach Gardens, and more.

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