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Perfect Your Smile with New Porcelain Veneers from Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley in Juno Beach, FL

January 24, 2015

78292950Do you have a New Year’s resolution to fix your smile? If you’re seeking an effective cosmetic dentistry solution, you should consider porcelain veneers treatment. Porcelain veneers are actually shell like sheaths of porcelain used to mimic both the form and durability of your natural teeth. Porcelain veneers have strength and resilience comparable to that of natural tooth enamel. Porcelain veneers have versatile applications and can be used to correct tooth fractures, minor misalignments, tooth shape, size, and color. Don’t let another year go by without addressing your smile concerns. Make an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles for your personalized porcelain veneers consultation today. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley are highly qualified cosmetic dentists, now proudly restoring smiles daily throughout: Juno Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the surrounding Florida communities.

How Do Porcelain Veneers Work?

Porcelain veneers are comprised of an adhesive layer and several thin layers of ceramic that can replace your natural tooth enamel. To apply your veneers, Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley must remove a very small amount of enamel (less than a millimeter) from the tooth that will be covered. This will create room for the new veneer and strengthen its bond to your tooth. A light-sensitive resin will be placed between your tooth and veneer. It is then cemented in place using a special curing light. The strength of the bond between your natural tooth and the new veneer is responsible for the esthetic perfection and correct functioning of the restoration.

Why Choose Porcelain Veneers To Fix Your Smile?

  • After your new veneers are placed it will be almost impossible for anyone to tell that your teeth aren’t naturally perfect.
  • Porcelain veneers don’t discolor like natural teeth and can resist staining from coffee, tea, soda, wine, and tobacco.
  • Porcelain veneers allow your natural teeth to remain largely intact with only minimal tooth preparation to fit the veneer.
  • Sometimes, porcelain veneers are the only way to eliminate deep staining and discoloration.
  • Porcelain veneers are also “instant orthodontics” as they can quickly hide minor twisting, overlaps, and gaps.

Juno Beach Porcelain Veneers Appointments

Make your porcelain veneers consultation appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles today. They can help you get the “camera ready” smile you desire. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley deliver quality cosmetic dental care daily throughout: Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and neighboring Florida areas.

Get Professional Teeth Whitening for a Confident Holiday Season

November 22, 2014


Do you want to show off a more confident smile this holiday season? If you do, teeth whitening treatment is your best option. Tooth discoloration and staining have many causes including: aging and the consumption of coffee, tea, soda, tobacco, and red wine. To combat discoloration for a brighter holiday season, make an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles today. They’ve helped countless Juno Beach residents achieve their smile goals, and they can help you achieve yours too. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley proudly serve patients throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the surrounding communities.

What Are Your Teeth Whitening Choices?

Teeth Whitening Toothpaste

Teeth whitening toothpastes are very popular. However, their actual effectiveness is highly overrated. They are made with mild abrasives that can polish away some surface stains, but don’t contain the bleaching agents necessary to actually change the color of your teeth. Whitening toothpastes should only be relied upon to maintain a stain free smile after you have chosen to use a more effective teeth whitening method.

Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Products

Over-the-Counter teeth whitening products may come as strips, gels, rinses, or whitening trays. These products are also popular and promise to meet your whitening expectations, however they have many drawbacks. Although they are more powerful than whitening toothpastes, they must be used daily for several weeks to achieve any significant results. They can also be dangerous for patients with sensitive gums or teeth. They can cause severe irritation or even infection if used improperly.

Professional Teeth Whitening in Juno Beach, FL

The safest and most effective teeth whitening choice is a professional teeth whitening treatment from Juno Beach Smiles. Juno Beach Smiles uses the Sapphire Teeth Whitening system to whiten their patients’ enamel and dentin. Teeth whitening treatment is actually the safest cosmetic dental procedure available. The Sapphire teeth whitening system can whiten your teeth by nine to twelve shades in just 45 minutes. If you want fast and reliable teeth whitening, make an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles today. These experienced cosmetic dentists can give you the dazzling bright smile you want in one short office visit. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley proudly serve patients throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and nearby areas.

Clear Braces for Busy Adults: Invisalign and ClearCorrect

November 10, 2014

156872951Getting straight teeth with orthodontics isn’t just for kids and teens anymore. Today, you can discretely and conveniently correct your adult orthodontic issues with clear braces from Invisalign and ClearCorrect. Invisalign and ClearCorrect can address many orthodontic problems including: overcrowded teeth, widely spaced teeth, cross bites, over or under bites, and deep bites. Because they can be removed at any time during treatment, you can eat and drink whatever you want, maintain your oral hygiene routine, and choose to remove them briefly for special occasions or important meetings. On the other hand, traditional fixed braces can only be removed by trained professionals. This can hinder your ability to clean your teeth and gums effectively, and may limit what food and drinks you can enjoy. If you have avoided orthodontic treatment with traditional braces, it’s time to see what clear braces can do for your teeth. To see if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign and ClearCorrect clear braces, make an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles today. The experienced cosmetic dentists at Juno Beach Smiles can help you transform your smile. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley proudly serve patients throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and the surrounding communities.

Clear Braces Answers: How Do Invisalign and ClearCorrect Work?

Among clear braces, Invisalign and ClearCorrect are among the most popular brands. In fact, Invisalign reports a 96% patient satisfaction rate. ClearCorrect is one of the newest and most affordable brands of clear braces, utilizing the latest digital mapping and molding technology. ClearCorrect also offers your dentist the option of ordering your aligners in shorter phases, which allows for free midcourse corrections if your treatment plan needs adjustment. For both products, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth to verify that they can be straightened using the Invisalign or ClearCorrect systems. If they can, they will develop a virtual 3D treatment plan, showing how your teeth are expected to look at the end of your clear braces treatment. This plan will be sent to the clear braces labs for fabrication. The dentist will receive the completed aligners and disperse them to you accordingly. You will wear each set of custom-made clear aligners in two-week increments. Your teeth will begin shifting, little by little, gradually moving towards the projected final positions. You will need occasional check-ups throughout your treatment, and a retainer at the end of the treatment to maintain your results.

Clear Braces Consultations in Juno Beach, FL

Invisalign and ClearCorrect clear braces will work faster and more effectively the more time you spend wearing them. With clear braces, you will not have to worry about mouth sores from uncomfortable wires, or embarrassing metal brackets. Clear braces are made of a smooth thermoplastic material that is custom fitted to your mouth for a more natural look and feel. To get your adult orthodontics started, make an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles today. They can help you achieve the straight, confident smile you’ve always wanted. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley proudly serve patients throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, and nearby areas.

Laser Gum Contouring: A Beautiful New Smile is Closer than You Think

September 22, 2014

476106489Excess gum tissue can make your teeth appear short and stubby, resulting in a smile that looks disproportional and even childlike in its unevenness. Fortunately, there is a cosmetic solution that can correct an overly “gummy” smile without the use of surgical scalpels or sutures: laser gum contouring at Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL. Dr. Duane Keuning and Dr. Greg Riley offer an extensive menu of cosmetic dentistry services with your satisfaction in mind, and we look forward to helping you rediscover the confidence that comes with a gorgeous smile.

Teeth Too Short? Laser Gum Contouring

When a person’s teeth appear short or irregularly sized, the culprit is often an uneven gum line or too much gum tissue. The gum tissue extends too far down over the teeth, hiding a substantial portion of their surface area. The removal of this excess tissue reveals the sparkling enamel underneath, giving your smile the balance and symmetry it needs to look its best.

Because our doctors use a soft tissue laser to perform this procedure, healing begins immediately as the gum tissue is cauterized. This method results in shorter recovery times and improved patient comfort as compared to traditional surgical techniques. Laser gum contouring can also be used to even out the appearance of a receding gum line. Drs. Riley and Keuning may suggest a combination of cosmetic dentistry procedures to promote the most aesthetically pleasing results.

Schedule Your Free Cosmetic Dental Consultation

Have you often looked at your smile in the mirror or in photographs and wondered what it would look like without so much gum showing? Perhaps you’ve even grown to censor your natural smile over the years, adapting to a more closed grin that doesn’t show your teeth or gums. At Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry, our team wants to help. Contact our office in Juno Beach, FL today to schedule your visit with Dr. Riley or Dr. Keuning. We genuinely love seeing our patients’ gorgeous smiles, and we’ll always work with you to develop a cosmetic dentistry treatment that’s perfect for yours. Our state-of-the-art dental practice proudly serves patients from throughout Juno Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, North Palm Beach, Tequesta, and beyond.

Back to School Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions in Juno Beach, FL

August 5, 2014

479705143School is back in session, and students from all over the country are headed back to class for another busy semester. Make sure that you’re ready for the new school year with a gorgeous, healthy smile courtesy of Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL. Dr. Greg K. Riley and Dr. Duane E. Keuning provide patients from throughout the area with a variety of restorative and cosmetic dentistry solutions, allowing them to start off the school year with a smile they can feel confident showing off on campus.

Cosmetic Dentistry That Fits Your Life

If your smile is flawed by cracks, chips, deep stains, or alignment problems, you may feel less inclined to share it with the world. Fortunately, there is a way to correct these common problems without extensive dental work. Porcelain veneers can be applied to the front surfaces of your teeth, masking imperfections and creating the appearance of a radiant smile. These custom-crafted sheaths of fine dental porcelain even reflect light in the same way that your enamel does, so you’re left with a smile free of blemishes that still looks completely natural.

For some of our patients, stained and dull-colored teeth are the primary problem they face on a daily basis. If your teeth are dingy and discolored, you’re far less likely to reveal your smile to classmates, professors, and even your friends. Allow our team to help with professional teeth whitening. In less time than ever before, you can eliminate stains from deep within the enamel, promoting a brilliantly white smile that lasts.

If missing teeth are harming your smile and your lifestyle, we invite you to ask us about dental implants. These lifelike, sturdy replacement teeth are considered the preferred alternative to removable prosthetics like dentures and bridges. We’re always happy to work with you to formulate a customized treatment plan to fulfill your individual needs.

Your Most Beautiful Smile Yet

Whether you simply need the extra smile boost afforded by professional teeth whitening or you’d like to explore the possibilities of a service like porcelain veneers or dental implants, we’re here to help. Make this back to school season count with a wide array of customized cosmetic dentistry solutions, and discover the difference a beautiful new smile can make in your life. Contact our office in Juno Beach, FL today to schedule your visit. We look forward to helping you achieve a smile that will certainly turn heads for all of the right reasons! Our practice serves patients from throughout Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, Juno Beach, and beyond.

Porcelain Veneers and Your Smile: Revitalize Your Look with Cosmetic Dentistry

July 28, 2014

Shutterstock Pretty Woman SmileIf you often look in the mirror and feel self-conscious about your smile, you are definitely not alone. In fact, millions of American men and women feel at least some level of dissatisfaction with the appearance of their teeth, keeping them from smiling as openly and as often as they’d like. Fortunately, there is a cosmetic solution that can help without the need for lengthy procedures or extensive work: porcelain veneers. At Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL, Dr. Greg K. Riley and Dr. Duane E. Keuning provide patients with a variety of cosmetic dentistry solutions, including porcelain veneers.

How Can Porcelain Veneers Help Me?

Porcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic solution due to their versatility and ease of application. These ultra-durable, thin shells of dental porcelain are customized to fit in seamlessly with the rest of your smile, quickly and effectively masking a variety of cosmetic concerns. Porcelain veneers can be used to correct the following dental issues:

  • Deeply stained enamel
  • Discoloration caused by medications
  • Moderate crowding
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Cracks or chips
  • Teeth that are unevenly spaced
  • Teeth that appear too small or are otherwise misshapen

Find the Ideal Cosmetic Solution for Your Smile

If you find yourself feeling unhappy with the appearance of your smile for any reason and you’d like to learn more about the possibilities afforded by porcelain veneers, we invite you to contact our office today to schedule your visit with our team. Conveniently located in Juno Beach, FL, we also serve patients from nearby areas as well, including North Palm Beach, Tequesta, Palm Beach Gardens, and beyond. We look forward to helping you revitalize and enhance your smile with porcelain veneers and our other cosmetic dentistry services.

How Do Misaligned Teeth Affect Oral Health?

June 26, 2014

Shutterstock Man Big SmileWhile most people agree that misaligned teeth have a negative impact on a person’s appearance, not many realize that crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth can also negatively affect your oral health. At Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry in Juno Beach, FL, Dr. Greg K. Riley and Dr. Duane E. Keuning offer an all-encompassing variety of cosmetic dental procedures that help your smile look and feel its best, including Invisalign clear braces.

The Importance of Straightening Your Teeth

When teeth are crooked or crowded, they are much more difficult to clean thoroughly, putting the unlucky patient at an increased risk for developing tooth decay and periodontal disease. When there is not enough room for a tooth to grow correctly, it may even begin to rotate as it presses its way against surrounding teeth. Conversely, when teeth are spaced too far apart, they are more likely to shift and drift out of their proper positions, causing problems with chewing and speaking properly.

Fortunately, there is a way to correct orthodontic issues like these – as well as overbites, underbites, and crossbites – that doesn’t involve the use of bulky metal braces: Invisalign clear aligners effectively straighten the teeth over a period of about 12 to 18 months, all without metal brackets or wires.

The Invisalign system utilizes a series of customized plastic aligners that are designed specifically to fit your unique dentition. Each set of aligners is worn for approximately two weeks and then the patient moves on to the next set in the series. They’re comfortable, clear, and effective, and have helped to improve the lives of innumerable teens and adults. Contact us to day to see if they might work for you.

Straighter Teeth, Healthier Smile

Do you struggle with the complications of misaligned teeth? If you would like to learn more about how Invisalign clear braces can help you achieve the flawless straight, healthy teeth you’ve always wanted, contact our office in Juno Beach, FL today to schedule your visit. Our experienced, highly-trained doctors and friendly staff look forward to welcoming you into our office and treating you like family. Our state-of-the-art cosmetic and restorative dental practice happily welcomes patients from throughout the surrounding areas as well, including North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, Tequesta, and more.

Fix Your Smile with Invisalign Clear Braces

December 31, 2013

shutterstock_38724895Nothing should get in the way of you feeling confident about your smile. A smile is a first impression, and you want to make sure you make the best first impression possible. If you have gapped, crooked, or crowded teeth, you may feel as though there is no hope besides having a mouth full of metal. At Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic, we strive to make sure your smile is flawless by offering Invisalign to our patients.

Invisalign is a revolutionary technology, straightening your teeth through a series of aligners. Each aligner signifies the next step in your straightening process. Because each mouth is different, the aligners are made to fit your mouth only. Barely visible on your teeth, Invisalign helps you avoid the mouth full of metal you may have been worried about, giving you the confidence to wear the aligners anywhere you go! Simply wear the aligners for 2 weeks at a time, then transition to the next one.

One of the major benefits to Invisalign is that it gives you better oral health than traditional braces. Whenever you need to eat, drink, floss, or brush, simply remove the aligners and reapply them when you are finished. That way, no food is stuck in the wires and brackets, letting bacteria sit in your mouth and possibly cause bad oral health. Also, with Invisalign, you will not have to make adjusting appointments, saving you money in the long run!

Do you have questions about Invisalign and how it can improve your smile? Call Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic for an appointment. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley offer exception cosmetic and restorative care to patients from Palm Beach GardensJupiterNorth Palm Beach, or Tequesta.

Show Off Your Smile With Laser Gum Contouring

December 26, 2013

shutterstock_144914185Whenever you are proud of your smile, you want to show it off as often as possible. When something gets in the way of you flaunting your smile, it can really affect how you interact with others and yourself. Believe it or not, your gums are capable of affecting your smile in a negative way. If you suffer from a “gummy” smile, laser gum contouring at Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic could be just the thing for you!

If you see more gum than teeth when you smile, laser gum contouring would be ideal! The first step is having a consultation with our very experienced Drs. Keuning or Riley, and they will be able to get a better look at your smile and speak with you about the procedure. Laser gum contouring involves the use of a soft tissue laser, providing precision to your procedure, while also giving the doctor a huge amount of control.

If you have receding gums, laser gum contouring is an excellent option as well. The procedure will even out your gum line if they lost its natural shape. We can also to gum grafting, replacing the missing tissue with healthy tissue.

For whatever reason you choose to have the laser gum contouring procedure, our wonderful doctors and helpful staff will be there with you every step of the way, answering any questions or concerns you may have.

Do you have questions about laser gum contouring and how it can improve your smile? Call Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic for an appointment. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley offer exception cosmetic and restorative care to patients from Palm Beach GardensJupiterNorth Palm Beach, or Tequesta.

Porcelain Veneers for Juno Beach and Beyond

October 31, 2013

Porcelain veneersWhat kind of smile do you see when you look in the mirror? Is it a smile full of confidence, or is it a smile that looks cautious and even a bit withdrawn?

If your smile doesn’t look exactly how you’d like it to, Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley of Juno Beach Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry can help. With porcelain veneers, our Juno Beach cosmetic dentists have a revolutionary method of transforming the appearance of smiles, in just two visits.

What can porcelain veneers help with? Everything from stains to crack, chips, misalignment, and more can be hidden from view thanks to the magic of porcelain veneers.

This great service uses a series of thin, customized pieces of porcelain that are placed over the front of teeth. What’s more, a smile transformation with porcelain veneers can be completed in just two appointments. In the first, Dr. Keuning or Dr. Riley will assess your needs and create a plan that matches the shade and shape of your existing smile. A small amount of your tooth’s enamel will also be removed to make it possible for your veneers to lie flat.

Do you want to get started on your smile before the end of 2013? Call Juno Beach Restorative & Aesthetic. Our office provides effective cosmetic help for patients from North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, Jupiter, and other Florida communities.

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