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Crystal Clean: Maximizing the Effectiveness of Invisalign Cleaning

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg Riley @ 3:18 pm
Invisalign kit with cleaning crystals

If you’ve embarked on your Invisalign orthodontics journey, congratulations! You’re on your way to a straighter, greater smile. The aligners offer a discreet and convenient way to straighten your teeth, but they won’t stay that way unless you keep them clean. But how are you supposed to do that?

Read on to learn the secrets of cleaning your Invisalign aligners with the included cleaning crystals.

Why Use Cleaning Crystals?

Invisalign cleaning crystals are specially formulated to remove plaque and contaminants from your aligners, ensuring they remain clear, odor-free, and hygienic. Regular cleaning helps prevent the buildup of bacteria, which can lead to bad breath, tooth decay, or gum disease.

These cleaning crystals as part of your daily oral care routine can also help prolong the life of your aligners. This ensures they continue to provide excellent results throughout your treatment.

How to Use Invisalign Crystals

Now that you know why you should use them, here’s how to make the most of their cleaning power:

  1. Start by removing your Invisalign aligners from your mouth and rinsing them under lukewarm water to remove any saliva or food particles.
  2. Fill a clean container or cup with enough room-temperature water, to ensure there is enough to completely submerge your aligners.
  3. Add one packet of Invisalign cleaning crystals to the water and stir gently until the crystals dissolve completely.
  4. Place your Invisalign aligners into the container and submerge them all the way.
  5. Allow your aligners to soak in the cleaning solution for the recommended amount of time, typically around 15 minutes. Avoid soaking them for longer than recommended, as this could damage the aligners.
  6. After soaking, remove your aligners from the solution and rinse them with water to remove any leftover crystal residue.
  7. Once rinsed, pat your aligners dry with a clean, soft cloth or allow them to air dry completely before placing them back into your mouth.
  8. Repeat this process once a day just before bed to ensure your aligners remain clean and hygienic.

Additional Tips for Using Invisalign Crystals

Though the process of using the cleaning crystals is fairly easy, there are some additional things to look out for:

  • Avoid using hot water to soak your aligners, as it can warp or damage them.
  • Do not use toothpaste or harsh chemicals to clean your aligners, as they can cause discoloration or damage.
  • Store your Invisalign aligners in their case when not in use to prevent them from accumulating bacteria or becoming lost or damaged.

By following these tips and using Invisalign cleaning crystals on your aligners, you can keep your mouth clean, fresh, and free from bacteria. This will ensure a more successful and comfortable treatment experience. Continue to take care of your aligners, and they will take care of you in the long run. Soon, you’ll have a straighter smile that you can be proud of.

About the Practice

Excited to start or continue your treatment with Invisalign? Dr. Greg Riley and Dr. Duane E. Keuning at Juno Beach Smiles at Juno Beach Smiles are on the case! They’ve already helped many patients achieve the straighter smiles they’ve been dreaming of. They use the latest dental technology and techniques to deliver quality results every time. Call (561) 622-7243 to schedule an Invisalign consultation or visit the website to discover other services.

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