If you wear dentures, you understand the importance of maintaining regular dental checkups with your dentist. But what happens if you break one of your prosthetics and are forced to stay inside because of the COVID-19 pandemic? What can do you to take care of your smile? Before you begin to panic and worry that it will cause more damaging issues to your oral and facial structure, heed the advice of your dental professional who offers valuable tips and advice on how to take care of your broken denture at home.
At-Home Tips to Consider
The most important thing you should do is to start by contacting your dentist’s office and alerting them to the problem. If able, they may try to schedule an appointment for you to come in and have a member of the team look at the broken denture. Before your visit, make sure you do the following:
- Pick up any broken pieces and bring them with you to your appointment.
- Use dental wax to create a buffer between the jagged areas of your denture and your soft oral tissues. This will prevent irritation and sores from developing.
- Try not to wear your dentures. Instead, allow them to soak and remain moist. Whatever you do, don’t let them dry out.
You might think that a small bit of glue will help hold the broken pieces in place; however, this could cause more damage to your dentures and ultimately result in a new prosthetic being created.
How to Avoid Breaking Your Denture
There are a few things you can do to prevent damage to your prosthetics, some of which include:
- Never let your dentures dry out. This causes them to become brittle and break easily.
- Place a towel in the bottom of your sink before cleaning your dentures. This will protect them from hitting the porcelain material should you accidentally drop them.
- Talk to your dentist about switching to dental implants.
This last tip is one to strongly consider, especially if you have worn dentures for many years and are tired of the relining and replacement process. Dental implants give patients a more stable, functional, and permanent smile and don’t require dental adhesive to keep them in place. You can enjoy a longer-lasting restoration that looks, feels, and acts just like a regular tooth.
If you want to learn more about dental implants and how they offer more benefits than traditional dentures, talk to your dentist during your next checkup. It may be possible to make the switch and start living a better life with a prosthetic that will improve your oral health and overall aesthetic.
About the Author
Dr. Greg Riley completed his Master of Science degree at the University of Miami and earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree at the Temple University School of Dentistry. For 20 years, he has been caring for his patient’s smiles, offering a wide array of dentistry services. Now that he and his team at Juno Beach Smiles are only seeing emergency patients because of COVID-19, he is making every effort to help those in need of assistance while at home. If you break a denture or face another type of serious problem, visit our website or call (561) 622-7243.